There has been some confusion on the dates for the 9th ISCN Congress and the pre and post tours. THE FINAL DATES ARE:
Precongress tour: URUGUAY ( June 9 to 11). Arriving Montevideo on June 8.
Congress: Tucuman, Argentina (June 13 to 16).
Postcongress Touring: Argentina (June 17-18)
Postcongress Tour: CHILE (June 19- 20-21). Leaving Chile on June 22
You can check the Congress web page at:
Flights should be arranged accordingly.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Call for Abstracts for 9th ISCN Congress
Call For Abstracts
All abstracts must be submitted in English. Abstracts for all presentations, both oral and posters, must be received by March 31, 2011. Email your abstract as an attached file.
Abstracts should be informative. Those suggesting that the work is not yet complete will be rejected.
Improperly submitted abstracts will be returned to the authors for corrections or rejected.
The abstracts must contain all of the information listed below. Email abstracts to . When you email your abstract, include the following information in the body of the email:
ZIP/Postal Code:
Please refer in the Abstract form if you wish to submit an oral or poster presentation.
To prepare abstracts for submission:
1. Use only Times New Roman font with 12 pt. font size.
2. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297 mm)
3. Use only left justification – 2.5 cm margins
4. Do not center text on page.
5. Type Title in Bold, Author (s) (underline the presenting author), affiliation (s), including location, city, state and country. Skip a line, then begin the body of the abstract. Do not indent the first line of the abstract. Use italics to indicate latin names of genus and species. Limit the abstract to less than 275 words.
6. Microsoft Word (Office 2003).
Abstracts will appear in their original form and should be submitted camera-ready. They will be reproduced in the abstract book in their original form.
C. M. Anderson
Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concordia, INTA, CC 34, E3200AQK Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina, Email:
The American Continent accounts for nearly 45 percent of world citrus production and 84 percent of world trade of fresh and processed citrus. The variety composition of the citrus industry of Argentina and other South American countries has shifted in recent years because of changing demands in both overseas and domestic markets. Most popular varieties depending on the country are Lisboa and Eureka lemons, late ripening oranges such as Valencia, Pera, Midknight and Delta; Salustiana and other midseason; Navelina, Lane late and other navel oranges; Satsuma, Nova, Murcott, and Clementine mandarins and a few grapefruits. Nowadays, citrus growers are demanding new patented varieties. The majority of South American countries have a certified citrus nursery tree program to guarantee the use of high quality propagation material to provide there citrus industry, but the level of implementation and success is variable. Huanglongbing has arrived to the continent is rapidly spreading and threats the citrus industry of several American countries changing the way to grow nursery trees, safely.
Key words: propagation material, varieties, certified citrus nursery tree program.
Size: 90 cm wide x 110 cm high.
Title, author (s) and affiliations should appear on the top of the poster. The height of the title should be at least 2 cm. The authors’ names and affiliations may be somewhat smaller.
Content. Primarily use tables and figures and limit verbiage. Do not prepare a poster as if it were a manuscript. Lettering for text and illustrations should range in size between 6 mm and 12 mm.
Mounting the poster. Space will be provided for each poster. Organizers will supply the necessary elements for mounting posters.
In the abstract submission form, select one of the following topics:
Nursery facilities
New varieties and rootstocks
Nursery and plant propagation
Nursery management
Nursery diseases and pests
Accreditation protocol and certification programs
The Scientific Committee will notify authors if Abstracts were selected for oral and poster presentations. All accepted abstracts will be printed in the Book of Abstracts to be distributed at the Congress to registered participants.
Manuscript Preparation
All papers must be submitted in English, concisely written. Completed manuscripts in final form, including any figures, tables, must be submitted by May 15, 2011. Email to . ISCN Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject papers or to publish them as abstracts only.
1. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297 mm)
2. Leave 2.5 cm margins around text.
3. No hyphenated words on line endings.
4. Number all pages upper right corners.
5. Put tables and figures, after Literature Cited.
6. Figure legends should be typed on a separate page.
7. Must include: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Literature Cited.
All abstracts must be submitted in English. Abstracts for all presentations, both oral and posters, must be received by March 31, 2011. Email your abstract as an attached file.
Abstracts should be informative. Those suggesting that the work is not yet complete will be rejected.
Improperly submitted abstracts will be returned to the authors for corrections or rejected.
The abstracts must contain all of the information listed below. Email abstracts to . When you email your abstract, include the following information in the body of the email:
ZIP/Postal Code:
Please refer in the Abstract form if you wish to submit an oral or poster presentation.
To prepare abstracts for submission:
1. Use only Times New Roman font with 12 pt. font size.
2. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297 mm)
3. Use only left justification – 2.5 cm margins
4. Do not center text on page.
5. Type Title in Bold, Author (s) (underline the presenting author), affiliation (s), including location, city, state and country. Skip a line, then begin the body of the abstract. Do not indent the first line of the abstract. Use italics to indicate latin names of genus and species. Limit the abstract to less than 275 words.
6. Microsoft Word (Office 2003).
Abstracts will appear in their original form and should be submitted camera-ready. They will be reproduced in the abstract book in their original form.
C. M. Anderson
Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concordia, INTA, CC 34, E3200AQK Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina, Email:
The American Continent accounts for nearly 45 percent of world citrus production and 84 percent of world trade of fresh and processed citrus. The variety composition of the citrus industry of Argentina and other South American countries has shifted in recent years because of changing demands in both overseas and domestic markets. Most popular varieties depending on the country are Lisboa and Eureka lemons, late ripening oranges such as Valencia, Pera, Midknight and Delta; Salustiana and other midseason; Navelina, Lane late and other navel oranges; Satsuma, Nova, Murcott, and Clementine mandarins and a few grapefruits. Nowadays, citrus growers are demanding new patented varieties. The majority of South American countries have a certified citrus nursery tree program to guarantee the use of high quality propagation material to provide there citrus industry, but the level of implementation and success is variable. Huanglongbing has arrived to the continent is rapidly spreading and threats the citrus industry of several American countries changing the way to grow nursery trees, safely.
Key words: propagation material, varieties, certified citrus nursery tree program.
Size: 90 cm wide x 110 cm high.
Title, author (s) and affiliations should appear on the top of the poster. The height of the title should be at least 2 cm. The authors’ names and affiliations may be somewhat smaller.
Content. Primarily use tables and figures and limit verbiage. Do not prepare a poster as if it were a manuscript. Lettering for text and illustrations should range in size between 6 mm and 12 mm.
Mounting the poster. Space will be provided for each poster. Organizers will supply the necessary elements for mounting posters.
In the abstract submission form, select one of the following topics:
Nursery facilities
New varieties and rootstocks
Nursery and plant propagation
Nursery management
Nursery diseases and pests
Accreditation protocol and certification programs
The Scientific Committee will notify authors if Abstracts were selected for oral and poster presentations. All accepted abstracts will be printed in the Book of Abstracts to be distributed at the Congress to registered participants.
Manuscript Preparation
All papers must be submitted in English, concisely written. Completed manuscripts in final form, including any figures, tables, must be submitted by May 15, 2011. Email to . ISCN Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject papers or to publish them as abstracts only.
1. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297 mm)
2. Leave 2.5 cm margins around text.
3. No hyphenated words on line endings.
4. Number all pages upper right corners.
5. Put tables and figures, after Literature Cited.
6. Figure legends should be typed on a separate page.
7. Must include: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Literature Cited.
Monday, February 21, 2011
New ISCN web site
The new ISCN web site is now on-line at . The 9th Congress 2nd announcement will be posted shortly on that web site. Early registration deadline is March 31. Conference will be held at the Catalinas Park Hotel The congress web site is but only has the first announcement up as of today. The second announce ment will be e-mailed to ISCN members today. The 2nd Announcement does not mention prices fo the Congress at this time, but this information should be forthcoming.
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- International Society of Citrus Nurserymen
- Roger Smith is the Secretary-Treasure of ISCN and the General Manager of TreeSource Citrus Nursery in California which propagates close to 1 million trees per annum. He has been a nurseryman since 1988 and also is a 4th generation citrus farmer in his spare time.